Monday, June 1, 2009

Boopsie and GPS on BlackBerry

To make sure you are able to use your internal GPS (or assisted GPS) on the BlackBerry devices. Please make sure you have the Boopsie Framework (boopsie.cod) with version 4.4.4 or greater. You may download a new version at from your mobile device. After installing this version, your GPS will work on the BlackBerry Storm, all devices that have GPS on AT&T's network as well as others that support internal GPS. You may also use Boopsie with a GPS 'puck' thru Bluetooth. Just set your GPS setting to use Internal or the name of the Bluetooth device in the main Boopsie "Settings" menu.

Maximum number of connections in use. Close an active connection first.

When using Boopsie on a Symbian S60 device (most Nokia devices), if you see the error message "Maximum number of connections in use. Close an active connection first." the problem is related to how you have your device setup to use Assisted GPS. You have to use the same APN setting for Boopsie that you do for your Assisted GPS setting. The AGPS setting uses the network to help determine your position. So, it has to connect at the same time that Boopsie has to connect to the network. If you have the two APNs set to different ones, then you get the error message. To fix this, make sure your GPS settings for Assisted (Network) GPS is set to the same APN as you use for Boopsie.

New Demo Videos

We have posted a bunch of new demonstration videos showing several types of applications that can be created with the Boopsie platform. The Wikipedia ones are particularly interesting if you use Wikipedia from your mobile phone. You may download Boopsie for Wikipedia by going to from your mobile browser. Let us know what you think.

We have also posted an implementation of a MLS (Multiple Listing Service) for real estate. It uses your phone's GPS if it is available, or you can specify your location via zip code or city, etc.

Another cool app is the one that shows how we look up Office Depot real-time inventory for products available in the store closest to you. Try the HP 78 printer cartridge and see which store has one near you.